
Support Porch Durham, setting out to fight hunger in our local Durham community

Lane And Associates Family Dentistry in Durham invites you to support Porch Durham Our team wants to be more than just a local Durham dentist , we want to be an active part of the Durham community. That is why we support Porch Durham in their fight against hunger in our city, and we encourage and invite you to do the same.  Porch is an incredible organization with an admirable goal and a simple purpose: to rid Durham of hunger. Since their inception in 2011, they have raised and donated a total value of $498, 278. Their process is simple , once a month on a designated date residents of Durham place a food donation on their front porch. A volunteer coordinator from the neighborhood goes from porch to porch and gathers all the donations. The donated goods are taken to a central location where they are sorted, packed into backpacks, and delivered to: 18 participating schools  The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Durham The Durham Teen Center Health Families Durham The